Monday, October 18, 2010

Imperial haiku VI

A long-haired star rose
Lightning struck his father's tomb
October thirteenth

Friday, October 15, 2010

Rondel I

My lover has the reddest hair
Indeed, and fickl'est of moods.
At times she may seem coarse and rude,
Yet still I know of none so fair.

I must repeat that none compare,
though condescension she exudes.
My lover has the reddest hair
Indeed, and fickl'est of moods.

Both her heart and her womb are bare.
A brood? No gift, we each conclude.
And sympathetic attitudes,
For misanthropes, create a pair.
My lover has the reddest hair
Indeed, and fickl'est of moods.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Imperial haiku V

The cocks crow at night
Bleak, the number twenty-five
Protect me, Hecate